
Crosthwaite and Lyth Parish Council Home Page Image

Welcome to the website of Crosthwaite and Lyth Parish Council where you will find information regarding the business of the Parish Council.

About Crosthwaite and Lyth Parish Council

The Parish Council is made up of elected representatives from the local community and is the first tier of local government. It works closely with residents on matters that affect the Parish and works in partnership with other bodies to achieve benefits for the Parish. It seeks to keep Parish assets and infrastructure in good order and undertakes projects and schemes that benefit the locality. It spends much of its time liaising with other authorities and agencies to resolve issues that affect the quality of life of its residents. It works closely with the Westmorland and Furness Council, helping it and other bodies keep in touch with the local community. As a formal consultee on planning matters it considers and feeds-back its views on planning applications. In order to conduct its business, it employs a part-time Clerk and a Finance Officer. The Parish Council is funded principally through an annual precept which is levied on local taxpayers and reflected in the Council Tax. It uses this to support the administration of its business and to enhance the services provided by other authorities.

Members of the public are welcome to attend Parish Council meetings and have an opportunity at each meeting to address the Council about any subject.

Please see the Agenda page (at the top of this page) for details of upcoming Parish Council meetings. Forthcoming meetings are listed on the Events and Meetings page and meeting Minutes are on the Minutes page. 

If you have any queries about the website or the Parish Council please contact the Clerk at: corsthwaiteandlyth.pc@hotmail.com.



  • Proposal for Speed Enforcement Cameras - A590: See Notice Here
  • Membership of the Parish Council: Following the public call for Expressions of Interest from eligible parishioners to be co-opted to the vacant seat on the Parish Council, one was received and at its meeting on 02 September 2024, the Parish Council was pleased to co-opt Elizabeth Cartmell as a Member of the Council. 
  • Bridge Closure on the Underbarrow Road: Please be aware that Westmorland and Furness Council has closed the bridge over the A591 between Kendal and Underbarrow until further notice. This could be for up to 18 months whilst survey and works (if necessary) are concluded. The Notice of Closure is Here.
  • Bridge Closure on the Underbarrow Road: Please see the latest updates from Westmorland and Furness Council:
  • The September Bridge Closure Newsletter is Here 
  • The August Bridge Closure Newsletter is  Here
  • The July Bridge Closure Newsletter is Here
  • THE NEED FOR PLANNING CONSENT:  Crosthwaite and Lyth Parish Council would like to advise residents to always check with Development Management (Planning) at the Lake District National Park before changing the use of a building or building any sheds, whether in their gardens or in a field. Most developments and changes of use in a National Park require planning permission and the Parish Council has a duty and responsibility monitor developments in relation to planning regulations. It has become aware that there are an increasing number of sheds, changes of use of existing land / buildings or “holiday accommodation” in buildings without relevant planning permission appearing. Furthermore, it is in our own interests to ensure we have the relevant permissions as when we, or our descendants, come to sell, all the relevant paperwork will have to be produced.  A check is very easy to do as there are duty planners available at LDNPA every week who can be contacted at 01539 724555 or by email at planning@lakedistrict.gov.uk
  • Offer of Free Trees from the Woodland Trust: Since 2010, The Woodland Trust has given away 13 million trees free to schools and community groups across the UK. It is currently accepting applications for free trees from schools and community groups. Eligible groups can apply for up to 420 free saplings per application window with deliveries taking place every year in March and November. Contact Steve Shill, Senior Project Lead, Community Woodland Outreach on 07774693621 or steveshill@woodlandtrust.org.uk. 
  • Trees and High Winds: The Parish Council has been asked about its responsibility for trees that may be swaying or creaking in high winds associated with some of the named storms that have been passing through recently. The Parish Council has responsibility only for those trees that are on the relatively small amount of land that is owned by it and has no general responsibility for other trees in the Parish. If there are concerns about the condition of a clearly identified tree that seems to pose a hazard to the public, then the Parish Council may consider raising this with the landowner. Parishioners are advised however to take heed of official Meteorological Office Weather Warnings and act accordingly. 
  • Sheds, structures or activities without planning permission: A number of observations have been made to the Parish Council recently about sheds, structures or activities that may need planning permission - but might not have. The Parish Council has taken note and referred a number of cases to the Enforcement Section of the Lake District National Park Authority. The Enforcement Section is working on these and has allocated Case Numbers to several instances where it feels action may be required. Playing an active role in planning matters is part of the Parish Council's remit and it will continue to alert the Authority if it seems appropriate to do so. 
  • 20 m.p.h. Zones. Local communities have been advised that there is now the opportunity to consider whether to explore the process whereby 20 m.p.h. zones might be introduced on roads that fit relevant criteria. Westmorland and Furness Council (W&FC) has issued a Policy on how it might facilitate interest from local communities and guidance on how to apply. Parish Councils have a central role in any such process and Crosthwaite and Lyth Parish Council will work with W&FC to assess the level of support for such a scheme locally.
  • Westmorland and Furness Household Support Fund – crisis support for households in need: Westmorland and Furness Council has set aside £1m (of a £3.5m government fund) to help people struggling to afford energy, food, water bills and other essentials. The application-based fund will be available until 31 March 2024 and comprises an online application or a telephone-based service which will provide vouchers that can be redeemed at post offices to pay for household essentials including utilities, food, and other essentials. For more information, go to:       https://legacy.westmorlandandfurness.gov.uk/costofliving/financialsupport.asp 
  • For all matters relating to the NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN, please click the Neighbourhood Plan tab on the top menu above.
  • CLEAN - The Crosthwaite and Lyth Eco Action Network (CLEAN) held its first meeting on 11 May 2023 and a furhter meeting on 09 November. A submission to it from the Parish Council will be found on the Events and Meetings Page. Information on future meetings will be posted here.
  • Please click here for details of the Post Office Outreach service at the Argles Memorial Hall, Crosthwaite
  • Please see "Events & Meetings" for the Walkway opening report & photo
  •  About Crosthwaite and Lyth
  • Crosthwaite and Lyth is a civil parish in the South Lakeland district of Cumbria, England. The village of Crosthwaite stands at the head of the Lyth Valley. The parish is situated in a scenic area of the country with many lovely small fells.
  • Crosthwaite and Lyth is historically a traditional rural agricultural commumnity which has a thriving primary school, St Mary's C of E Church, three public houses, a recreation field and miles of lovely footpaths.
  • In Spring the valley is lit up by the white blossoms of the remaining damson orchards which were once an essential part of the rural economy and for which Crosthwaite and Lyth was, and is, famous. You can still buy damsons in September from local farms and growers.
  • Accessibility Statement Click Here


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Email: crosthwaiteandlyth.pc@hotmail.co.uk

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