Accounts & Governance

Crosthwaite and Lyth Parish Council

Accounts and Governance Crosthwaite and Lyth Parish Council
Click on the item and a PDF will open in a new window.

Formal Documents

Standing Orders

Financial Regulations

Code of Conduct

Privacy Notice

Complaints Procedure

Grants and Donations Policy


Accounts 2023-24

Receipts and Payments 2023-24

Bank Reconciliation 31/3/24

Asset Register 31/3/24

Certificate of Exemption from a limited assurance review

Accounting Statements / Governance

Variances 2023-34 compared to 2022-23

Notice of Public Rights


Accounts 2022-23

Receipts and Payments 2022-23

Bank Reconciliation 31/3/23

Asset Register 31/3/23

Accounting Statements / Governance

Variances 2022/23 compared to 2021/22

Notice of Public Rights

External Audit Report 2022/23

Notice of Conclusion of Audit


Accounts 2021-22

Receipts and Payments 2021/22

Bank Reconciliation 31/3/22

Asset Register 31/3/22

Certificate of Exemption from a limited assurance review

Accounting Statements / Governance

Varainces 2021/22 compared to 2020/21

Notice of Public Rights


Accounts 2020/21

Cash Book

Bank Reconciliation 

Income and Expenditure


Annual Reports

Notice of Public Rights


Accounts 2019/20

Cash Book

Bank Reconciliation

Income and Expenditure

Annual Reports

Notice of Public Rights


Accounts 2018/19

Cash Book

Bank Reconciliation

Income and Expenditure

Annual Reports

Notice of Public Rights


Accounts 2017/18

Cash Book

Income and Expenditure

Annual Reports

Notice of Public Rights

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